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Ross Munro of The Canadian Press


"For eight hours, under intense Nazi fire from dawn into a sweltering afternoon, I watched Canadian troops fight the blazing, bloody battle of Dieppe. I saw them go through the biggest of the war's raiding operations in wild scenes that crowded helter skelter one upon another in crazy sequence. There was a furious attack by German E-boats while the Canadians moved in on Dieppe's beaches, landing by dawn's half-light. When the Canadian battalions stormed through the flashing inferno of Nazi defences, belching guns of huge tanks rolling into the fight, I spent the grimmest 20 minutes of my life with one unit when a rain of German machine-gun fire wounded half the men in our boat and only a miracle saved us from annihilation."

-Ross Munro reports on the devastating scene at the Raid of Dieppe to increase the public knowledge of what happened in the battle.


-Russ Munro is a field reporter/write for The Canadian Press who is covering the war.


-The source reveals the primary "I was there" eyewitness of Russ Munro who reports in full graphic detail, painting a picture for the reader.  The author of the article emulates the actual event quite well.


- The effect of those viewing the article will be shocking, disbelief and sadness.  It will affect the Canadians, much more than the British as this was written in Canada and was written for Canadians to read.  This will further increase the non-favouritism of war in Canada.

-The source aids in displaying the gory truth and hardships the soldiers are suffering from.


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