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This photo was taken during the battle of Dieppe lets us understand more about the battle and how Canadians had to surrender to the Germans during a mostly one sided fight.  In this picture you can see Canadians plans did not work.  Canadian tanks ended up bogged won and stuck in the middle of the beaches waiting to be hit by German Anti-Tank guns.  In the picture there was a Canadian Destroyer that never even ended up making it to the shore, adding to the number of Canadian casualties and waste of resources.  There are Canadian Soldiers dead on the beach probably killed by German Machine Gunners that were hidden on the hill side waiting for the attack.  Overall this picture just shows how big a failure this battle was for Canadians.  The photographer captured this at the right moment for audiences to conjure feelings of negativity and sadness.  As well it helps the audience get an eyewitness view of the battle.


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